The practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back over two thousand years and is based on an ancient Taoist philosophy that describes the interactions between yin and yang.
Acupuncture is one of the most popular and effective treatments offered by Traditional Chinese Medicine. Traditionally, its used to improve body function by promoting the body’s natural healing ability. To achieve this, we insert very tiny stainless-steel needles at specific anatomical locations all over the body. These locations are referred to as “points."
Every point is located on the twelve channels of the body, known as “meridians." Stimulation of these points, via tiny acupuncture needles, can affect many of the complex biochemical and physiological responses within the body. In doing this, we can bring the body back to homeostasis (balance) – the body’s most ideal state.
Research into the benefits and outcomes of acupuncture for a variety of conditions has exploded in recent years and we are starting to see a wealth of scientific information that supports and expands on historical and anecdotal evidence surrounding the use of acupuncture to promote healing and wellness.
While it’s most commonly used to quickly and effectively treat acute and chronic pain, did you know it can also help with stress, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, digestive issues, allergies, menstrual and hormone issues, and fertility?
Many people are hesitant to try acupuncture because the idea of letting someone put needles into you may sound scary and painful. However, the needles used are incredibly thin and flexible and, when inserted by a trained practitioner, are painless.
The treatment itself is very gentle and many clients friend it profoundly relaxing. Give it a try and you too can reap the incredible benefits of this beautiful practice.
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