CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

Cranio Sacral Therapy (CST)

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle and non-invasive hands-on therapy that has powerful effects on the central nervous system to improve the function of the entire body. The focus of this therapy is the craniosacral system, which refers to the structures that produce and enable a rhythmic movement observed in a spinal surgery by Dr. Upledger. These structures include the meningeal membranes that surround and support the brain and spinal cord, the bones of the head to which they attach, and the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and
protects the brain.

During a CST session, our therapist uses light touch to receive information from the client's tissues and provide a treatment specific to their unique needs. Using firmer pressures can cause the body to "guard" and activate pain reflexes, leading to a "defend" mode instead of addressing underlying problems.

Fascia is a sheath like second skin that covers and connects all structures of the body. Ideally, the fascia and structures are well-aligned, allowing for normal movement and body processes. When fascia becomes tight or restricted, it can create strain patterns throughout the body, causing disruption to normal movement and function.

Our therapists uses evaluation tools to identify the origin of dysfunction, which may or may not be where the client is experiencing symptoms. Techniques used during the session may include relieving "bony" or joint compression, soft tissue techniques, or techniques aimed at moving fluids.

CST is effective for a wide range of problems associated with discomfort, pain, and dysfunction. It first looks at how well the nervous system is functioning because it drives everything else. Therefore, it can be used to address hormonal dysfunction, digestive issues, musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, stress-related issues, and more. CST can also complement and stimulate the body's natural healing processes, making it an increasingly popular preventive health measure. It is effective for both acute and chronic issues such as headache and migraine, chronic back and neck pain, tinnitus, TMJ dysfunction, visual disturbance, central nervous system disorders, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, neurovascular and immune disorders, hormonal dysfunction, stress, tension-related problems, and emotional trauma.