Rachel Moss - Therapist
Rachel is a Remedial Massage Therapist, known for her massage with a difference, she works with CranioSacral Therapy Myofascial cupping and Remedial massage techniques, this combination gives clients a very unique and effective treatment. Rachel received her Diploma training in 2012 through The Holistic Education College where she completed a Certificate IV in Massage.
Therapy Practice and her Diploma of Remedial Massage . Rachel began her CranioSacral Training with the Upledger Institute in 2015
Myofascial Cupping, CranioSacral Therapy, Working with chronically depleted systems, Working with Chronic Pain and Trauma, anxiety and depression
Diploma of Remedial Massage
TRAINING: CranioSacral Therapy Level 1| CranioSacral Therapy Level 2 CranioSacral Therapy for Infants and Children | CranioSacral Therapy for The Brain | CranioSacral Therapy Beyond the Caranial Base | CranioSacral Therapy and Working with Chronic Depletion | Somatic Emotional Release | Advanced SomatoEmotional Release | Somatic Emotional Release The Inner Physician. Cranio Sacral Therapy Systems Informed Body Approach | Reiki Level 1 & 2. Myofascial Cupping
Clinic Days:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday
Private Health Rebates: Yes but not HCF
More About Rachel:
Prior to Massage Rachel had a 20year long career in banking, she took an interest in massage and decided to work towards a career change in 2011. Once graduating with her diploma Rachel started working part time in the massage industry. In 2014 Rachel decided it was time to leave the bank and start working fulltime as a Massage therapist. At this time Rachel discovered CranioSacral Therapy and this discovery has had a profound impact on her.
Rachel Started studying CranioSacral Therapy in 2015 and has been a keen student thereafter.